Sharing with people

About Our Mission

Mission Statement
Braes Interfaith Ministries, a collaboration of Judeo-Christain Congregations, provides physical, spiritual, and emotional assistance to persons in need within selected zip codes in Southwest Houston. 77025, 77035, 77045, 77051, 77053, 77054, 77071, 77085, 77096
How Braes Operates
The member congregations along with the community supports Braes Interfaith Ministries by providing financial support, food, clothing, items for the resale shop, and support for special activities such as the School Supplies Program and the Holiday Food Baskets.

Staff Members

Volunteers are not paid - not because they are worthless but because they are priceless.

Expanded Services Include
Braes Interfaith Minsitries provides services on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 AM untill 2 PM.
Financial Assistance
Finanical assistance is provided once every 12 months for utilities for those in need.
The garden outside of Willow Meadows Baptist Church provides vegatables for those in need of healthy sustance. This garden is taken care of by our volunteers and enables us to give them food.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement of young people working to fight hunger and poverty in their own communities around the time of the Super Bowl football game. In the weeks leading up to or on Super Bowl Sunday, young people take up a collection (many use a soup pot), asking for one dollar or one item of food for people in need. They give 100% of their donation directly to the local hunger-relief charity of their choice.
Holiday Food Baskets
With the Holiday Food Baskets Braes gives our holiday food for those in need during the holiday season so that every family is able to have a festive dinner and celebrate the holidays together..