Director’s Report

Celebrating 40 Years of Service to Our Community!

“Braes Interfaith Ministries provides physical, spiritual, and emotional
assistance to persons in need within the Southwest area of Houston.”

Come visit us


Director’s Report

March 2019

The Annual In-Service on Tuesday, April 23rd at the Braes Interfaith Ministries’ location. It will start promptly at 10 AM until 12 Noon. A safety seminar is being planned and a light lunch will be provided. Please do your best to attend. This is mandatory for all volunteers.

Braes Interfaith Ministries would like to thank Willow Meadows Baptist Church for allowing the pantry to use part of the Bus Barn to store surplus food items. On Saturday, March 2nd, the LDS Elders, Mike Terry, and Greg Boyd (WMBC Facilities Manager) cleaned and organized “The Barn” to make it more efficient for both the pantry and WMBC. Thanks to all who helped.

As part of Braes Interfaith Ministries’ 35th Anniversary celebration, the Board of Directors provided breakfast to the Southwest Ministerial Alliance. Those in attendance were Pastors Marvin Havard (Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church), Craig Taylor, (Willow Meadows Baptist Church), Fr. Tom Smithson, (Corpus Christi Catholic Church), Steve Sargent (Southwest Central Church of Christ), Danny Yang (Westbury United Methodist Church), Brandon Webb (Westbury Baptist Church), Lisa Calloway (St. Philips United Methodist Church), Jon Burnham (St. John’s Presbyterian Church).

The Pastors appreciated the extra effort that was put forth by the Braes’ Board and the Braes’ representatives were grateful for the questions, comments, and overall interest in Braes the Pastors demonstrated during their meeting.

Braes would like to thank the following congregations for their participation in the Souper Bowl of Caring:

St. John’s Presbyterian Church

Southwest Central Church of Christ

Willow Meadows Baptist Church

Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Westbury Baptist Church

A total of $6,997.77 has been collected so far.

The Braes Resale and Consignment Shop held a “Clean-Up Day” on Tuesday, March 19th. The storage facility at Southwest Central Church of Christ was cleaned and organized to make it a more functional location. The Shop is grateful to Barry Rittman and the LDS Elders and Sisters who showed up to help.

Notes from Ryan (The Braes Resale and Consignment Shop) …The Shop has opened an account at a metal shop that allows them to recycle silver or other metals. If you have any has old silver, gold and/or other metals that need recycling, please send them to us. Please share this information with others. This is a great way to support the shop.

Braes resale is doing some good things. We started to clean out the SW Central storage area. We got about half of it cleared out and will return sometime next month and get the rest moved out and clean up the space. We have already started going through the boxes and have found some really cool stuff that should make some money for the shop.

We are also starting to get donations from other estate sales. This is huge because they bring in high-end items that sell for some good money. With all of our networking, we are meeting new people interested in donating to The Shop rather than the usual goodwill shops around town.

We have continued to have our $1 Sale on clothing to keep things moving. We have received so much clothing, that we are unable to keep up with the needed shelving needs to display everything. This week, clothing is $.50 per item!

Thank you to Barry Rittman, and all the elders and sisters who came to help out with the clean-up and continue to help to keep things moving at the shop!!   Ryan

Braes will close in observance of Good Friday on April 19.

Donate To Breasinterfaithministries

Donate to Braes Interfaith Ministries Food


Donate to Braes School Supply Program


Donate to Braes Garden


Donate to Braes Clothing Ministry


    Ages of Persons Served Race/Ethnicity of Persons Served
    Infant – 17  493 White/Anglo  52
    18-64  728 African-American  782
    65 and over  157 Hispanic/Latino  522
    Asian  10
    Other   12
    Total  1378  Total  1378
    Total number of households   =  371

    Pledges given :  22
    Pledges paid :  16

    JANUARY  $13,500  457  221  171 
    FEBRUARY  $18,372  338  137  194 

    Pledges given :  12
    Pledges paid :  12

    Ages of Persons Served Race/Ethnicity of Persons Served
    Infant – 17  507 White/Anglo  73
    18-64  667 African-American  767
    65 and over  165 Hispanic/Latino  491
    Asian  01
    Other   07
    Total  1339  Total  1339
    Total number of households   =  484
  • 2017 YTD (Jan-Oct.)

    Individuals Served: 16,509
    Households Served: 6,008
    Clothing Vouchers: 1,330
    (3,543 people)
    Value of Vouchers: $56,550
  • Statistics for June

    Individuals Served: 1626
    Households Served: 640
    Clothing Vouchers: 101
    (260 people)
    Value of Vouchers: $4,340
  • Statistics for July

    Individuals Served: 1581
    Households Served: 551
    Clothing Vouchers: 164
    (423 people)
    Value of Vouchers: $6,960
  • Statistics for August

    Individuals Served: 1372
    Households Served: 489
    Clothing Vouchers: 105
    (244 people)
    Value of Vouchers: $3,540
  • Statistics for September

    Individuals Served: 3874
    Households Served: 1271
    Clothing Vouchers: 131
    (378 people)
    Value of Vouchers: $7,001
  • Statistics for October

    Individuals Served: 1529
    Households Served: 551
    Clothing Vouchers: 186
    (499 people)
    Value of Vouchers: $7,680
  • Statistics for December

    Ages of Persons Served Race/Ethnicity of Persons Served
    Infant – 17 507 White/Anglo 84
    18-64 746 African-American 739
    65 and over 166 Hispanic/Latino 559
    Asian 18
    Other 19
    Total 1419 = Total 1419
    Total number of households = 468
  • End Of Year

February 5, 2018

Willow Meadows Baptist Church

Willow Meadows Baptist Church
February 5, 2018

Westbury United Methodist Church

Westbury United Methodist Church
February 5, 2018

Westbury Baptist Church

Westbury Baptist Church
February 5, 2018

Southwest Central Church of Christ

Southwest Central Church of Christ
February 5, 2018

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
February 5, 2018

St. Philip’s United Methodist Church

St. Philip’s United Methodist Church
February 5, 2018

Grace Episcopal Church

Grace Episcopal Church
February 5, 2018

Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Corpus Christi Catholic Church
February 5, 2018

Congregation Beth Israel

Congregation Beth Israel
February 5, 2018

Braeburn Valley Baptist Church

Braeburn Valley Baptist Church
February 5, 2018

Bethany United Methodist Church

Bethany United Methodist Church