services provided
Food Assistance
Clothing Assistance
Limited Financial Assistance
School Supplies

Who Provides Services?
Enthusiastic, devoted, and dedicated volunteers provide the majority of the services at Braes Interfaith Ministries and Braes Resale and Consignment Shop.
The following opportunities are available to you to become a part of this dynamic team:

Braes Interfaith Ministries
Pantry Worker
Sort, Pack, Stock Food And Pick Up From Local Vendors.
Office Worker
Register Client, Pull Records, File, Answer Phones And Serve As Receptionist.
Document Client's Needs And Services Provided.
Plant, Cultivate, And Harvest The Garden.

Hours of Operation
Braes Interfaith Ministries Welcomes individuals Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays between the hours of 10 A.M and 2 P.M to receive full services, it is recommended that clients arrive by 1 P.M.
It is essential to present a picture I.D., proof of residency, social security cards or birth certificates for everyone in the house-hold, and if possible, proof of income at each visit. An assessment will then be conducted during a short interview to determine the client's needs and documented in the client's confidential file.
Routine services include food, clothing, toiletries, and limited financial assistance. (We Do NOT Provide Rental Assistance)
Braes Resale and Consignment Shop
Sort clothing, steam, price, and hang for resale.
Straighten merchandise, assist customers and the cashier.
Voucher Processor
Assist client in redeeming clothing voucher.
Pickup & Delivery
Move donated furni-ture to the Resale Shop within 24 hour notice.